
Monday, January 6, 2014

Urban Decay Naked 3 Palette Dupes & Swatches!

 From L to R: WnW Comfort Zone Dupe vs Blacheart; Darkside; Wet n Wild Single Shadow Nutty vs Mugshot & Factory
From L to R: Wet n Wild Comfort Zone Dupe vs Burnout; Maybelline Dupe vs  Buzz, Crown Brush dupe vs Limit

From L to R: WnW Sweet As Candy vs Burnout; WnW Walking on Eggshell vs Dust; Wet n Wild Floral Values vs Strange

What you see above are pictures of Naked 3 swatches and their twin dupes!  They look so much alike!  Can you tell which one is a naked 3 swatch and which one is the dupe?

Here's the dupe list of Urban Decay Naked 3 Palette:
Naked 3 Strange vs Wet n Wild Floral Values Base Color
Naked 3 Dust vs Wet n Wild Walking on Eggshell Eyelid Color
Naked 3 Burnout vs Wet n Wild Sweet As Candy Eyelid Color
Naked 3 Limit vs Crown Brush Neutral Palette Dupe Color
Naked 3 Buzz vs Maybelline Designer Chocolate
Naked 3 Trick vs Wet n Wild Comfort Zone Left Eyelid Color
Naked 3 Nooner vs Lorac Pro Mauve
Naked 3 Liar vs Maybelline Designer Chocolate
Naked 3 Factory & Mugshot vs Wet n Wild Nutty Single Shadow
Naked 3 Darkside- Could not find a dupe
Naked 3 Blackheart vs Wet n Wild Comfort Zone Left Definer Color

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