
Sunday, July 24, 2011

Payless Shoe Store has makeup? (Part 1)

 So I had no idea that Payless Shoes has makeup and lots of it too!  There's this brand called Zoe & Zac and when I walked in, they were having a 60% off Sale!  They are paraben free and not tested on animals.  So good so far!  Check out these items!  (Click on pictures to enlarge)
 Lip Palette
 60% off and it's $2.99!

 And they have Body Butter as well!
 Bath Gel!
 Mineral Powder

 Lip Shimmer
Have you seen these at your Payless Shoe Store?


1 comment:

  1. I am just finding out that Payless has this line,I totally can not believe as much as I stay up on the beauty industry of fashion cosmetics ect I missed this, I will be going to get some tomorrow morning that's for sure, what do you think of it so far??
